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tv   BBC World News America  PBS  May 10, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm PDT

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>> is ibbc world news amera reportingrom washington. i'm kathykaye aeadlyescation in liby nato steps up its bombardment in tpoli t it hasn't stopped muamm gaddafi's forces fom going after rebels scooping up skype. the globa digal dominan miosoft pays llions to purchase the internet pone giant an the oicean may be ina chise pson but his work is saking forim fr nework to lonn an so ae his supporters. all types of sange thin, but rarely are we dangerous. welcome tour vwers on pbsn ameca and also around the glo. taking theight to muammar gaddaf
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th's ectly what nto forces a doing after launching nearly tree hours of air asults on the libyan capita it ishe heaviest nato mbardment in weeks d comes as the battleseems to grinding to astalate. as the missiles fall, a humanitarian cris grows and my refugees have now paid with tir lives. >> afer the bombing, the otes these were supportersf muammar gaddafi outside a bued plastic sgery hoital in bya today. libyan he officials say it was just o civiln rget hit ring nato's last bombardment. ey claim the attack als damaged buildings concerned with thewelfe of children. it was certainly e heaviest attack by no aircraft for several weeks d lastedore than the hours. nato insists it targeting only military facilies.
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>> the targets weave been hitting and it happened last time in tripoli are controlled bunkers just to make clear, nato is nottargeting individuals. it is not in our n day. our mandate is t prect civilian poputionrom tack or fromthe threat of atcks gaddafiegime foes. >> thoands of lyans are stil risking their livesby fleeingthonflt. e u.n. high commission for refuge ggested today at hundreds of ohers may ve drowned in recent weeks. one port said that a sing boat with 0 people onboard may ha sunk >> in one ce at least, people were actuallyorc onto getting onto a boat b ard me and this includes people who had survived te inial ipwrk, so we' extremely concned about the outflow of people from
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lia. >> mnwhi, rebel fighte in the besieged cityf misuta seem to have broken through after wes of deadlock. ese troops say ty're now set to adnce aong the cot after me of gaddafi 's troop there we atcked by nato. tadvances here ha in the past been quickly reversed no sign of adecisive victory for either de. >> in syria,eanile, ere nquestionbout outse intervenon t toda the crackdown coinued against anti-goverent potesrs. one man rights gro is now reporting that re than 0 civilis ha been lledince the uprisingi gan inid mch. heavy gunfir is againeing ported in a subb of da mass skas a one of presidenssaad's adsors insts the governmen has gaed the upper hd. jim seen monitoring evts fm nghbong lebanon.
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this is how the defense habeen dealt with in syria. couple hundred ung people in a shopping suare in damascus singinghe national anthem. th wasnough to attract the attentioof the secret poce. the yogsters were pushed tords vans d cuffednd driven of many he benrive off like this an lat fed after being maltreated and rtured. the are so ofresident assa's othernfoers. theyare from the mitia that comes fm hiswn minori sect. theseideos were proudly posted on the internet. last nth, they filmed themselvesbeatg an humiliating detaiesn the coasl town where troops d tanks ar gren action now.
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the ativities of this milia working ha in glove with regular forces inevably stied sectarian tensioin a country wita sunni majority. despite theron fist crackdown, defiance contued the countryside in the south. armynitsand tas are now mong into thesereas to kwel dient. they y th're taking gangs of armed terrists it has been cut of forore an t week the u.n has n been able to get a promed humatarian mission into the city. itoncned. tsidoncern, sanctions are tikel to affect at isappening on the grnd. the regime is facingts st serious challenge in morehan 40 years of rule by the assaad faly. 's n going to loen its gr on the sa so of
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outsiders. bbc ne, birut >> evts ntinng to unfold itheegio ne week, president oba has invite ki abdul of jordan to the white house to discs this ongoingunrest r a bef timego i spo with joan's former pme minister w currely sa he works for the inteatiol endowmen fo peace. when you lok athat is happing syr, what has haened in brain, yemen, does it suggest to you at the arab's spng has sprung as fars it going to go, th auallunisia and egypt wereit andelsewhere the potestors willet crushed byppressive regimes? >> well dferent presrs willssume diffent ys of response tohis, depending on differtonditions. theris no question i my mind that this is arocess that has sarteand only
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started. i inke wil measurehat is going onn terms of decas rather tha months and years. yes,e probly have seen some hogeneous sciets li egypt ad nisia you undergo a relative peaceful ocesses. countries suc as ria wherthe mirity rege les overhe rest of the population, we might -- we wi not see apeacul transition, i think. >> have king abdulla coming to washington next ek. what es the unitedtat ed todo to foster the press docratic chan in the middle et? whatore could it be doing? >> i thinhe united states,you know, prsued the pocy first of privatizing democracy over reform and ended up with ither. the itedtatesealis that thi policy h fled, that i now a struggle wiin t administration
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over what ne policy to ce up with. kingbdua thefirs arab leader that psident obama is ing toee and i'm sure theres talk abo th process, howan the uned stes and international communit suppt th refm proces without iposingt, something th lea to pow aring and leads -- leadto power shari. >> do the eves of the past ek, the killing oosam bin lan, does that cange th dynamic, d you thin in the mdle st, when it cos to the path of extremism? es i encourage it? does it discourage it? >> think it discoages extremism. i thk that, you know, tremism of thatype is on thwane i thi what the arabstreet has shown in recentont tt thereis another wa to aect chge, not through violencot thugh killing other people, but throh peeful chan and i think thatas
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served well. >> what about thehe wte houss retion to the killg of bin laden. they welcomedhe fact tt binlade was the and said ericans shouldn't have kill m. >> tat is unfortunate, but having said that, i think there is no possibilitof a acef agreement between the iselis and t palestinians, that doesot clude hamas, a if you look a the hamas position, s-a-s e peacerocess and vis-a-vis violce, that s evolved iense. >>he so itould be in america's inresto recognize that? it is in the world's interest and i isrl's interest aswell to aect a peaceful settmentow ratherha wait until later. >> tnk y for coming in. more coverage of ents thughout the arab world visit ou websitend y wi fin the latest news ong thcompte anasis from from our crrespondentsn the ground. in he newsews from around e wod, reports he in the united states suest pakistan may soollow
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american iestigatorso eak osama binaden's the wows whoare currently i pakisni custody. there has bee no offial confirmation of this an there is notng known o wh thecould oer. >> jan says they wl coinue th nuclr pow, following the fukusma plt proble the presidt sa he will take a payut until th crisis is resolved. >> flood warnings are in effect in some sthern amican states the rising msisspi river rushes dnstream towards uisia and the gulff mexico. the city of memphis, t waters arenow expected to rece. the extensive lev system has kept floodwater away from most neighborhos. >> now, wuld you pay $8.5 llion for a cpany that's losing moy? if y're microsoft, the answ is yes. day,he comter giant bought skype, t fr intern tephone service in its biggest deal ever.
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microsoft hoped t acquisitn wi keep it revant in and incasiny mobile wld a give it acss t a user base of roughly 170 milon people who log on to skype every moh. but is i wortht? our tecolog corresponde has all t details >> crost busine soware powers 90% of computers d the other a evolutionizes theway many commicat skype is bng sllowed up now by microsoft. it's just eght yea since ske startedelping people to make cls over th internet f nothing. this is thehird time it habeen bought a sold. microsoft s be struling to prove i can compete wi theikes of goog and app. now,s itries make an pact onhe mobe phone world it wants ype toave did beme a bigger fce in communications. e two parers in ts hu dea told m they now vembitious ans. >> it's really kind of a
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rare asset, and the wd skype many sense means communicionso a lot o pele i the sense ul askype yu -- of i'llkype you. the skype brand is ging totay srong weill have great aets in both cldn' toupe arge them and takeit t thnext level. skype is n ed by 170 million people around the worl not just on their computers, butn th move on their mobile phoneand even on theirablet devices. microsoft wants t tap in to this connected community, but it is ping auge price for ausiness that isn't evenprofitable. the ice tag o skype loo exbitant but micsoft was competing with others to buy the siness. >> sohis shows tha even though it doesn't ma money, the idea talkin for freend easy around thworlis pealg as we look to sorof changehe wa we talk through twitter through facook,throh e-il a other forms of communication. microsoft ll now hopeto
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brg ske to new ples like itsbox gaming consol and bypayi a hefty pric is prong they can be a force inhe world o tec >> for me of wh this dealean for micsoft and the future of the indusy, i spok wh thehie mergers and acquisitions reporter for the "new york times". why uld you pa $8. billion for company that losing money? yu paid .5 billionon th hope, onthe belief th u can actually cue i in on a sttegy, whichs to take skype and iegra it acrosshe ptform of microsoft products it is going to a challenge but if they do it righ the goal will be to imement skype into yur microst ofce, intothat tlooprogram at y have on your mobilehone, into hotmail an bing, a arch engine which coetes with ggle and now to the exox a kec on yo t.v. and in the gaming nsole.
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so iyou n actualdo alof at, skype is a ry stky pruct, people wo use it stick wit it andt gets itegred acros the board. having said tt, mcrosoft doesn'tave the greatest record forntegrating methg these acquisitns, so so we wot kn if this dl works out r them fort least another 1-24 mons. is thireal the story of the dise of tec and ris of mobile o is hat puing it t simply >> no, i thinkhat' part of it. i thi part of i ishis new sense ofommunication and wh thatctually mns. i'm lookingt you thugh a camera. pele are going to be able now that fro theirhomes thugh skype, tough computers,s we sai throug th xbox a onheir mobe phones and throughablets and so that isthe ture and in rt, i think microsofts yingo capturea piece of that th're ing up against these juggnaut google with google
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voe and all the communication tools that they're providing through g mail a teike,nd en o thether si you have ape wi itsevices a his os so that's a strikin point by the way the elephant inhe room isacebook. cebook would have led to buy is ad integrate deo communicatio and conrencing to facebook. now they have t buildt themselves. theyaven't had an ipo y so ey d't have $8.5 billion to throaround. all of thi isimed at tt. >> yu mentned me of the oblems and theact that microst doesn't have the mos socitushistory with the meers. we would lik thinkof gates as one of theost intligent busissmen in americ do you thinkeven without gas at the helm tticroft is going to pullthis f? athi thehave a better chance of making this work. for all terodus that they offer, ty c domore with this tn just about anybody else can, simply beusehey actually aren all of tse maets. they'rin t business market.
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this is goin t compete against cisco an cisco tem will presence -- telepsenc it is going to compete o t wireless side. they can do lot morwith it and that's how theyan justify the price, o course ift works ou >> can th actuly me money. if skype ha't beenable to make mey outf this, is it justleveraging it aoss the company llthey subdize it with other parts of miosoft's business? >> i think they will be subsidizing. this is more of an offense ve. skype notleedg edge ne technolo. this is an entrenched techlogy, old thnoly, buas i said bore,t is stic technology. they can levera this, 170 milln users and bring them into the microsoft fold, ey canefend themselves i a beer w against all tse other competitor >> tha you very much, andrew. >> tnk yu. >>and in on more note fom th technology worldoogle annoced day it is launching an onine mic service similar
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theperation offed by amazon t aowssers to store and accessup to 20,000 songs whererhey are, but it is stl unclear whether the rerding industry wl go along with the plan. yore watching bbworl news amera. still to come, the beautul game cesnder some ugly allegations after aop elish official chgescorruption at the hghest ranks. gold cent itsortunes have en shiningbrig around the globe, and no mo so an i dia. one-third of the wor's gold jelry is ought there. is time of year the commodity is in hot demand. >> isis mumbai's gld rush. shoprs re atthe baar, one theargest welryarke buying t meta for the hind feival. lend says if y buy now, you will be forer pspers.
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it c be seen across inya. not even las we's smping gold icesas put peoeff buying, andhopps say they expect pces rebounto recordeve before to soon. >> at this pot in time, ty comeo buy gd toda becaus they mighteel its goin up. >> for ceurie thendians ha had a love affair wi gold. many conde it saed. little wnder that dia ishe world's largesgold market. it is not stewelry which people are bringing in oves fothis student, it's a about uillon, not bangles. he's buying gold coinsow asn investment for the future. i wll have experience and
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for my future >> there is an increase in the number o indians taki out nkccots lind tohe mecca's market value with the ne developmentsnd indis lo of gold,nalys sait is setto remn the country'shottt cmodi. bbcews, mumi. >> he world cup, it is the mst widely viewed sportingevent in the world butootbl's ruling bodys mired in controversy yet ain and itas nothing to do withhe py on the pitch. the manho once dngland's campaigno ho the 28 cup has me out with exosive algatis about cruption at het of the bidng poces. ourport editor h th sto. >> er since england'sorld cup bid humiliation the have
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been quesons an recrimination abt the wy the cose eir cuhosts. but, almost sixonths afr that annncemt, the former head of enand' bid went public with e most explive claims so r. the center of the alletions, the controveral, a vice predent jack wrner anthey say he was askedor $2.5 million pnds to buil an edation center. inmy vie the proposition s out of the question, and today i ca scri it as ate whisperthat you could have heard around at lnge an said y -- i wil lve out some of the language. he said you must be jokin ck, you'realking about2.5 miion pounds. >> and another fifa member asked for a knight od in retn for hisuppt. i sa it was completely
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possible. didt operate inhe unid kingdom lik that. hehrugged his shoulders a turned and wked aw. >> andfres evidence haed to the select committee by t sunday times pointed the finger at t more executivewhoere cuseof receiving $1.5 milln for supporting the winners theace f 2022. norm sa it was he at this luxury hotelthat jack warner asd for sh in support for for england's world cupid, a seri of new claim that pose questions abo theay they hand theworld cup bidng contt, a coest whichhas le the reputatn in tatters. the fa president has seen two members baed forbreaking thr code ofethics. with a re-ecti, theressure is onnow to tak further acon. >> n there isa new rod of information mingno let us
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take time to digest it and to stt investatio by asng r evidence on what ha been said. >> today's revelatio wl not give enand a second chance to win 2018, b theyould provide tning pnt in the w world footballs ru >> davidbond on wh is not looking like very beauful game tonight. now a cntrorsyrewi ina. for five weethere is no sign of thehine artt who was detained by secury stf at beijing airrt. s detention has prompted a glob appeal by the sculptor who wants meums andrt galleries througuthe world to closefor the day in protest. r arts editor reports >> he i considered by many to be onof the mt important
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artists of the 21st century. it is tisecen inallaon th broht the chinese arst to t attention the wder britishubli days ago, th obetrotting artist was detained at beijing airport by the chinese auorities. noing d been hard from him since. buhis sho go on. one ha just opened inew yk. meanwhile here inondon, the are tw of his swspening this week, and a youcan see, theorks arred but the artist hasn't. >> heas due t be he day, helping to installhis exhition. the ines government initially said he w being iestigated for economic crime. that was se time ago, and as the days mou without further wo, friends, colleaguesnd feowrtists are becoming in
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creangly concerned. >> the chineseoverent needs to accusim of sothing or let him go. thint's also iortant that as a counit of artts, stick together. tists do allinds of strange things. rarely are we dangero >> andhis ltest sculure which openedn pis today w de kated t hi both tists sharhe same gallery in london. its owner is devastated. >> how do weut ouelveinto the heads of chineseuthotys? what do we he to do to persuade thethathat they have done i an err of jument >> h is litical artist, is showing childn los in a szechuan earthque. he is critical thechine governme whi he told me lt ye he would le to see ange >> they hato come to a mch
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more libelnd democratic ciety. everody ows it. it is just a matter o time d whats going to trigger the change >> what do you tink will trigger the chae? >> is it the aist? >> yes,ut may a f hundred, a fhoud sands -- thousand him. >> tay he has dispeared. s supports he that he will return. >> inprison in china. that does for night's oadct. you canlway get updates on our website and t inouch wi m and most of the bbc worldews team at twittnd anks so muchfor watching see you tomorrow.
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helland welcom see theews fold. get the t stories fromarou the globe and pick to payide reports. go to toxperncehe depth expert rportg of c worldews on-line. funding was made possible b the freemanfountion of new york, stoweermt, and honolulu, and newman's ow fountion, and the john d. and catherine t. macartr foundation and unionank. ion nk has put its fincia streng toork for ride range ofcompies from sml businesss to major corporations. at can wedo for you? >> c world ne america was
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